Historic coalition government in South Africa | SVT News

During Friday, it became clear that the African National Congress (ANC) will lead the country together with the Democratic Alliance (DA).

The two parties have previously been seen as rivals.

– At the last minute an agreement was reached, before the parliament convened, says Johan Ripås, SVT’s Africa correspondent.

South Africa’s first coalition government

The parliamentary vote ended with 283 of the votes cast going to Ramaphosa. Julias Malema from the radical Economic Freedom Fighters received 44 votes.

The ANC and DA are expected to rule the country together with the Zulu nationalist Inkhata Freedom party (IFP) and a number of smaller parties.

Historic loss for the ANC

When the election results were announced in early June, it was clear that Ramaphosa’s party made its worst election ever. With just over 40 percent of the votes.

The ANC has ruled the country since 1994 with, among others, Nelson Mandela as leader. After this year’s election, the party lost its own majority in parliament for the first time.

– It was a landslide in South African politics that the ANC is now losing its majority, says Johan Ripås.

Political future uncertain

But the solution is far from uncontroversial and now the pressure to solve the major problems with the country’s economy is increasing.

– There is a big risk that it will be very politically turbulent in the country. Hopefully this can lead to increased transparency and increased efficiency, says Ripås.
