His specialist spoke clearly and clearly: Against the risk of cancer…

His specialist spoke clearly and clearly Against the risk of

Cancer is among the diseases with the highest mortality rate among known deaths in the world and in Turkey. Cancer week is celebrated between 1-7 April in order to use the results obtained with the advancement of technology and medicine more effectively and to inform the public.


Professor of Medical Oncology Clinic at Adana City Training and Research Hospital. Dr. Timuçin Çil said, “Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. The incidence of cancer has been increasing significantly in recent years. “There have been significant developments in cancer treatment in recent years,” he said.


Stating that limiting fast food consumption and consuming vegetables and fruits in season will reduce the risk of cancer, Çil stated that the most important changeable factor is nutrition habits. Stating that every nutrient should be taken in a balanced and regular manner in order to avoid cancer, he emphasized that traditional cookware should be returned to.

