His son was shot dead – as revenge against the grandson: “Man is powerless”

On March 2 last year, a 47-year-old man was shot to death in his home in Tullinge. The man’s son was suspected of an attempted murder in Uppsala – but he himself had no gang connections. – You are powerless. You can’t protect yourself. Even your own home is not a safe place. Like what happened to my son. He came home after work and was shot in front of his children and his partner, says the father of the man who was shot dead. The murder victim had not had contact with his son for a long time and relatives had tried to get him to leave the criminal world. – We have not succeeded in that. And we haven’t been in touch for over six years now. I still have no contact with him, says the man about his grandson. The murder is judged to be a revenge action after a shooting in Uppsala against a relative of gang leader Rawa Majid. The shooting death was one of the first in a series of attacks on relatives. Rawa Majid suspect A 19-year-old man is accused of the murder, who is said to have been promised 250,000 kroner for the crime. After shooting the man dead, he took a taxi home. Two other men, 18 and 20 years old respectively, are charged with, among other things, aiding and abetting murder. A 24-year-old man is also charged with aggravated protection of a criminal. All deny wrongdoing. How does it feel to sit in the same room as them? – So far they are only suspects, but it feels difficult, says the father of the murdered man. In addition to the four suspects, Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid is in custody in absentia, on probable grounds suspected of aiding and abetting the murder. Good evidence The murdered father’s son was wanted by name and picture in the television program “Wanted” a few hours before the murder. The father’s family reported the prosecutor, who approved the publication of the name and picture in the media, but the investigation has been closed. – I don’t think you have understood properly. The more time passes, the heavier it becomes. We have not been whole, we are a broken family after him. He was very important to us, says the father. The trial is expected to last until March 8 and the evidence against the suspects is considered good. Among other things, it is possible to tie the suspected men to weapons, chats and through how Rawa Majid is said to have given the order for the shooting. The prosecutor declines to comment during the hearing.
