His scalp is completely torn off, the doctors manage to sew it back on

His scalp is completely torn off the doctors manage to

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    During a tractor accident, a Danish woman had her scalp completely torn off, from the eyebrows to the base of the neck. But thanks to a 6-hour operation, the doctors managed to sew him up, without any loss.

    Attention, the images, placed lower are however shocking and can offend sensitive souls.

    It is an exciting medical case, but it must be said, difficult to watch, which was published by the British Medical Journal Case Reports. While repairing her tractor, a 60-year-old Danish woman gets her hair stuck in the powerful machine and sees her entire scalp, from the eyebrows to the back of the skull, ripped off in one piece, also taking away her left ear. Shocked, the victim managed to call for help, however, and was quickly taken care of by the Odense university medical team. All the while, her scalp is held in a plastic bag surrounded by ice cubes.

    A meticulous 6-hour operation

    Despite his bare and bloody skull, the victim’s vital signs remained stable, and no fractures or hemorrhages were detected during the first examinations. The “scalped” woman then passes into the hands of cosmetic surgeons who wish to try everything to reattach her hair to her skull, thanks to a 6-hour micro surgery. His scalp is then cleaned and prepared, the hair cut short.


    • The first part involves reconnecting the main blood vessels from the skull to the scalp. The left temporal vein then the right are joined by sutures.
    • Once blood flow has been restored, doctors must now suture the entire scalp in place, from the eyebrows, through the gouged out ear to the back of the skull using surgical clips and stitches. A real work of lace.


    An almost normal situation 5 months later

    The victim was able to leave the hospital only 5 days after the intervention. And 5 months after this surgery, the accident seems not to have left many aesthetic traces.

    My hair is growing slowly which is helping me get back to how I looked before my accident. My hair completely covers my damaged left ear. Also, I am starting to recover sensations on my scalp. It’s getting better week by week. This progress gives me a lot of hope for the future”says the patient.

    This one also manages to move her eyebrows, and to find sensations at the level of the scalp… The Danish doctors, them, estimate that their patient lived one of the wrenching of the scalp the most important reported in the literature medical.

