His request to Bayrou, his SMS to a prison director – L’Express

His request to Bayrou his SMS to a prison director

He continues the 20 hours as a Minister of the Interior would. Gérard Darmanin is no longer in Beauvau but still on television, on TF1 Monday evening for the second time since his appointment as Keeper of the Seals. Justice, its aridity, its slightest exhibition, could be a trap for who loves spotlights? “This is where we will see that he is not like the others, bets a friend. He plays tennis, there is no rope on his racket but the ball still leaves.”

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By taking his reverence, the ephemeral Didier Migaud launched him during the passing ceremony: “Being a Keeper of the Seals, and you will quickly realize it, the Minister of State […]it is also not to be able to speak publicly in a large number of cases, unlike other members of the government who, more distant from justice, can feel more authorized there. And therefore keep your opinions, reactions, emotions for yourself because neutrality, impartiality, the independence of justice must take precedence over everything. “

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In the same vein, another of his predecessors Place Vendôme, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, points to a platform published by the Brest telegram On December 30, 2024 “The paradoxes of the Keeper of the Seals”: “The independence of justice with regard to all the powers is essential. But that deprives the Minister of any real capacity to conduct a criminal policy. Unfortunately, the ease to which the media coverage of public life sometimes leads to the holders of the function to be the cantors of a “zero tolerance” illustrated by a “firm and immediate criminal response”, the most daring not reluctant to promote “justice As fast as it is effective “. Such proclamations will come up against the harshness of the law and will only lead to discredit the political speech a little more.” And to conclude with a council: “which he therefore accepts to behave like a gardener and to plant seeds, of which only his successors will see the trees and will harvest the fruits. His ego can be affected but the general interest will win there . “

Change of dimension

The one who condemns Gérald Darmanin was born. Does not exist in a government the portfolio which will condemn him to discretion. Place Vendôme does not look like Place Beauvau, however. Here, after 6 pm, as a relative of Gérald Darmanin remarked, “it’s heated but it’s calm”. The new minister was endowed with a laptop, he thought he was broken: in fact, no one called him.

Going from the inside to justice (like François Mitterrand before him, and also Michèle Alliot-Marie) is changing dimension. In this case, going from a large ministry, in terms of staff and budget, to a small one. We understand that losing importance and weight is not exactly the goal of Gérald Darmanin. Besides, he began by obtaining the title of Minister of State that François Bayrou first wanted to give to the former Prime Ministers Manuel Valls and Elisabeth Borne. He then adapts his strategy and does against bad fortune good heart: he will now speak when he wants and apart from the emotion of a news item, will try to master his agenda since the news will dictate it less, will launch debates , for example on imprescriptibility.

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A minister to succeed, used to saying the northerner, needs time, money and a parliament capable of voting texts. There is nothing of this so he will try otherwise. With standards, such as this high security prison in which he wants to bring together the 100 most dangerous drug traffickers. “As much, on the organization of justice in the broad sense and on the application of sorrows, it is impossible to have a performative word, as much it is possible on the organization of prisons, advances a loved one. With this idea , he intends to show that there is a before and an after. ” Like the mayor he was, Gérald Darmanin wants to make this project “a witness apartment”. “One of the problems of Didier Migaud was a kind of invisibility of the Keeper of the Seals, notes an EPR frame who knows him well. Darmanin, he knows how to seize his perimeter and make it known, to those who are placed under his Guardianship, despite the independence of the judiciary, and to the French.

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He now needs slalom. When he arrived, he announced loud and clear on January 6 that a circular on criminal policy will be sent to prosecutors before Sunday 12. And then nothing. He does not like the first version of the text, wants to simplify it, clarify it and even write it “in French”: it reduces it to four pages, gives off two priorities, no more – the fight against narcotrafic and the violence made to people – and the present two weeks later, this Monday 27. The Chancellery is a complex house and he discovers it every day. To a prison director who assured him that the laptop did not pass in his establishment, he succeeded … sending an SMS as if no jamming existed.

After skiing, cycling. As a good cyclist that he is not, he knows the interest of putting himself in the leader’s wheel. Today, Bruno Retailleau attracts light. Since the duo benefits from the interest of opinion, as much to cultivate it. After their dinner on Sunday, the joint photo in one of the Parisian On Monday, the two men will make a common trip in the coming weeks. Light can be shared.

