Asmongold is considered the biggest MMORPG streamer on Twitch and is also a huge Diablo fan. So the release of Diablo 4 was supposed to be a big event, but after a 13-hour stream, you suddenly didn’t hear anything from the 32-year-old. Now he gives the all-clear.
The MMORPG streamer has 2 accounts on Twitch: his main channel Asmongold and his secondary channel Zackrawrr. As Asmongold he embodies the persona of a cliche gamer, while on the alternate account he’s more himself, at least that’s the theory.
For the 32-year-old, streaming on the second channel is apparently more relaxed, which is why he has repeatedly taken “streaming breaks” from Asmongold in recent years, but has continued to air as Zackrawrr. The return to the main account seemed to become more and more threatening for him and even triggered panic attacks.
What is the current development? As of December 2022, the MMORPG streamer has not streamed as Asmongold. However, for the pre-release of Diablo 4 on June 2, he celebrated the big return to the main account – although he had threatened to show Diablo 4 on his non-monetized secondary account.
After just one stream, it was over again, and Asmongold hasn’t been on the air since then. Now he gives his fans an update on what happened.
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Asmongold feels pain in leg after 13 hours of Diablo 4
Why did Asmongold stop streaming? In a June 4 post on his subreddit, the streamer explained that anxiety and stress related to streaming on his main account was the trigger.
But he couldn’t really explain it himself: He streamed for 13 hours, it was wonderful, then he went to bed and woke up 3 hours later uncomfortably at the thought of doing the same thing again.
The 32-year-old is apparently frustrated by the situation:
If you’re one of those people who thinks this is stupid, embarrassing or pathetic, you’re in good company because I feel the same way. It amazes me that this is even a problem in my life and I hate myself for allowing it.
Asmongold also says he’s done a variety of things to address the fears, but nothing from medication to talking to other content creators and friends has brought significant improvement.
This was the real reason for his break, according to Asmongold: In a video posted on June 5, the streamer admitted to leaving out some details in his post. Apparently, the 32-year-old had health concerns after his Diablo stream and eventually even went to the emergency room.
Asmongold explains: All of his friends told him they were in constant pain from sitting down while streaming and their unhealthy lifestyle. But he has been spared so far. That’s why he has paranoia at the slightest physical pain.
Streamer gives the all-clear: everything is okay
How is Asmongold? As the streamer reports, he woke up with leg pain after his Diablo stream. That gave him a terrible shock: “You sit for such a long time, then you have pain in your leg, it could be a blood clot.”
However, he did not want to worry anyone and therefore did not tell his fans or his father about his fears. However, after the symptoms did not improve, he went to the emergency room on June 5th.
In the emergency room, Asmongold was given a thorough check-up. As it turned out, the streamer is in good health. The test will likely cost him $420 if his insurance doesn’t cover the cost, the 32-year-old said. It’s money well spent, though, to get some reassurance and peace of mind.
Asmongold said he was in constant panic because of his unhealthy lifestyle that something bad would happen to him because he’s now approaching 33 and the only “certain things in life are two things: death and taxes.”
What’s next? Asmongold would like to start streaming again on his second account until he feels mentally ready. He also explains that he wants to pay more attention to his health in the future – for example, he will not completely do without sweets, but at least he will no longer eat them for breakfast.
He is currently at 10 out of 10 for “degeneracy” and wants to bring it up to 7. Asmongold had already declared in the summer of 2022 after a particularly bad day that he wanted to turn his life around.
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