his explanations on his choice for Matignon awaited

his explanations on his choice for Matignon awaited

Emmanuel Macron could announce the name of the future Prime Minister “by Wednesday” and, de facto, address the French people to explain his choice.

Finding a “non-censorable” Prime Minister. This is the main wish ofEmmanuel Macronaccording to information from Libération. This is why the Bernard Cazeneuve hypothesis, which has been gaining more and more weight in recent weeks, could show some signs of weakness. Indeed, the former tenant of Matignon under François Hollande could be faced with the censure of all the parties of the New Popular Front (NFP). In this specific case, it is the National Rally (RN) that would decide his fate. In other words, if the RN does not vote for a possible motion of censure (probable given the distrust of the left and the ex-socialists towards Bernard Cazeneuve), the latter could govern with the implicit approval of the extreme right, if he were appointed to Matignon.

Still according to information from the daily newspaper Libération, the new Prime Minister could be designated “by Wednesday”. In other words, Emmanuel Macron’s long-awaited speech on this subject would only be a matter of hours. This Monday, September 2, Bernard Cazeneuve is received by the President of the Republic at the Elysée as part of the “continuation of consultations” for Matignon. François Hollande, Xavier Bertrand and Nicolas Sarkozy are also invited.

Bernard Cazeneuve soon to return to Matignon?

More than 50 days after the legislative elections won by the New Popular Front, and while Emmanuel Macron and some of his close associates continue to hammer home that “no one has won”, several scenarios are emerging regarding the identity of the future head of government. Former Prime Minister of François Hollande, Bernard Cazeneuve could thus make his return to rue de Varenne. However, the name of the former socialist is not unanimous in the ranks of the left-wing alliance, with the exception of the right wing of the Socialist Party. Deemed too “Macron-compatible”, some already fear a continuation of the policy pursued until now by the head of state, and this, while the presidential camp has already been defeated three times at the polls.

Other names have also been mentioned, such as the socialist mayor of Saint-Ouen Karim Bouamrane or the president of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand. Ségolène Royal, for her part, said she was “available” for the position. One thing is certain, however. After brandishing the threat of dismissing the president, Mathilde Panot announced this Saturday that her party had tabled a resolution to dismiss Emmanuel Macron, which was sent to all parliamentarians. In addition, the leader of the Insoumis in the National Assembly has already warned: her party will censure any government other than the one formed by Lucie Castets. The political part is therefore far from over.
