His daughter was blown to death in the gang war: “Soha was my heart”

24-year-old Soha Saad is found by rescue personnel under the rubble that fell on her on the couch where she fell asleep after staying up late studying. An hour later, in hospital, the family receives the news: Soha is dead.

– I broke a painting when I heard that. I didn’t want to believe it was true. I couldn’t take it in.

Violence wave in Uppsala

  • Sohas Saad’s family disappointed with the municipality – Pelling (S): “A professional job has been done”

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  • Calling the authorities

    When Soha died, the family was visited by the Palestinian embassy, ​​says Samer. And the Lebanese embassy called and apologized for the grief. But there has been silence from representatives of the Swedish authorities.

    – I am so disappointed in the authorities, the politicians and the police. If they can’t help a family, then what if there’s a war? This should never happen again, no other family should have to suffer like we did.

    Those from Uppsala municipality who have been in contact with the family have lacked tools to help them with what they need, says Samer. Such as housing or psychologists for the children.

    – It’s not just me who lost a daughter. Swedish children have lost a good teacher.

    Five people share two bedrooms

    For the past eight months, the family has lived in an apartment hotel in central Uppsala, which is paid for by an insurance company. There, Soha’s parents and her three siblings, who are between 12 and 20 years old, share two bedrooms.

    The search for a place to live has been going on since last autumn. Only now has the family found a rental apartment to move into – a third of 72 square meters.

    In order to afford the apartment, Samer has started working part-time. Life is costly, as he also pays for the house in Fullerö while it is being rebuilt. So far, he has had to withdraw SEK 110,000 from a savings account to manage the finances, he says.

    – What should I do? It is not possible to mourn Soha until we have a home where we feel safe.
