Arms crossed, wearing a kippah, Javier Milei cries with tears in front of the Wailing Wall. On February 7, in Jerusalem, the new Argentine president turned around and fell into the arms of a man, also shaken by sobs: Axel Wahnish, his spiritual guide. This rabbi who cultivates discretion is one of the head of state’s closest advisors. Now he is its ambassador to Israel. His first mission: transfer the embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City. The meeting between the two men dates back to 2021. At the time, the libertarian economist was scouring the television sets to comment on Argentinian news. At the same time, he performed in a humorous one-man show, Le cabinet de Milei.
In Buenos Aires, the eccentric character is then considered, either as a jester or a madman. But not by Julio Goldestein, a Jewish friend, who insists on introducing him to his rabbi. “They talked for a long time, then the conversation turned into a Kabbalistic meeting,” Goldestein told the Spanish daily El País. The rabbi told Javier that he would one day lead a liberation movement in Argentina. He came out of it upset.” From then on, Milei, a practicing Catholic, began to study the Torah with Wahnish. Almost simultaneously, he made a resounding entry into the political arena of this country of 45 million souls. Both Are the events linked? Perhaps.
Javier Milei thinks he is Moses
A month later, in any case, in July 2021, he created his party, La Liberté Advance. Four months later, he was elected deputy to Congress. It would only take him two more years to enter the Casa Rosada, the presidential palace. The speech he gives for his inauguration on December 10, 2023, curiously resembles that of a rabbi. “It is no coincidence that this presidential inauguration takes place during Hanukkah, the festival of light, which celebrates the very essence of freedom,” he proclaimed. The Maccabean War [NDLR : la famille juive qui résista à la politique d’hellénisation des Séleucides au iie siècle avant Jésus-Christ] is the symbol of the triumph of the weak over the powerful, of the few over the many, of light over darkness and above all of truth over lies!”
Already during the campaign, his speeches were full of references to the Torah, in particular to this famous book of the Maccabees which provided him with his favorite slogan: “In battle, victory does not depend on the number of soldiers, but on the strength from the sky.” Would the “anarcho-capitalist” economist seek to seduce the Jewish community of Argentina, the largest in Latin America? Not sure. With 200,000 people, it does not weigh enough to be coveted by candidates. In fact, the president’s tears at the Western Wall were probably sincere. And, if he decided to move the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem, it was not to please the Jews or to imitate Donald Trump, who had done the same; but because “King David [le lui] asked in a dream.”
Pope Francis, who is Argentine, and Argentine President Javier Milei (Vatican Media photo) during a private audience on February 12 at the Vatican
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President ? Not enough for him: Milei literally thinks he’s Moses. On February 8, when deputies blocked his “omnibus” bill – which provides for tax increases, privatizations, but also to give him full powers in several key areas – Milei chose to preventively torpedo his moribund text. He insults parliamentarians in passing and publishes an extract from the Exodus on social networks – in Hebrew! Rabbis and Talmudists were immediately summoned to the media to exegesis the presidential speech. “By evoking Moses returning from Mount Sinai, Milei was actually referring to his journey to Israel,” they explain. And when “Moses-Milei” discovered that the Hebrews (in fact, the deputies) had, during his absence, begun to worship an idol other than his omnibus law, he, enraged, broke the Tables of the Law on a rock.
A mysterious religion: the worship of Conan
But Judaism is only the visible – and socially acceptable – part of presidential religious practice, where esotericism competes with science fiction. In El Loco (“the madman”), title of his biography of Milei, journalist Juan Luis Gonzalez explains that at the beginning of everything, there is his dog: Conan. Milei considers him her son to the point of calling him… Conan Milei. When the mastiff weighing more than 70 kilos becomes seriously ill, the economist decides to communicate with his dying animal. He then calls on a medium specialized in interspecies communication. The first sessions impressed Milei so much that he recommended his medium to certain close friends, while forbidding them from talking about it to anyone, for fear that they would “take him for a crazy person”.

Argentina’s new ultraliberal President Javier Milei and his wife Karina greet the crowd after his swearing in on December 10, 2023 in Buenos Aires
Thus Milei and her sister Karina (who would have learned to establish the “connection” herself) are the two followers of a mysterious religion: the worship of Conan, who, after his death, would have acquired the status of divinity . The influence of the deceased quadruped should not be minimized. It was he who, writes Gonzalez, would have entrusted his master from the afterlife with the “mission” of converting Argentina to libertarianism. In an economic article dating from 2014, Milei already thanks “Conan Milei” at length for allowing him to “push the limits of the possible” to allow him to venture “into the impossible, and much further still”. Visibly distraught through the loss of his best advisor, the economist effectively pushes “the limits of the possible”.
In 2018, a few months after the disappearance of her faithful companion, Milei appeared with four puppies, all cloned in the United States from Conan’s genome. Several witnesses indicate that, for Milei, this litter of clones is the canine reincarnation of her favorite economists. He therefore baptized them “Murray”, “Milton”, “Robert” and “Lucas” in reference to Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman and Robert Lucas Jr. The first is a libertarian of the Austrian school, the two others represent that of Chicago , ultraliberal. It seems that the president communicates regularly with his advisors, each of whom has a field of expertise: economics for one, politics for another… According to biographer Juan Luis Gonzalez, it is not uncommon for, during a meeting, Milei asks for silence, then says: “It’s okay, I spoke with Rothbard: he thinks it’s a good idea.”
Milei does not budge: we must give way to the dogs
“The press around the world is having fun with it but, unfortunately, Conan, the clones and all that, it’s very serious,” sighs the anthropologist and specialist in religious issues Alejandro Frigerio, who oscillates between despair and fascination. For his part, financier and influencer Carlos Maslaton, who was close to Milei before moving away, says he witnessed a mind-blowing scene. Two years ago, he went to the presentation of Milei’s book, The Camino del Libertario (“the path of the libertarian”), during the Capital Book Fair. He sits in the front row but Milei explains to him that the seats are taken: “We had to give space to the dogs… The four chairs remained empty for the entire duration of the conference.”
Karina is not only the priestess of the cult in Conan, she is also the reincarnation of the most important prophet of the Jewish religion. “Karina, it’s Moses, I’m just a whistleblower,” Milei modestly declares, in tears, live on television during the campaign. In the end, it’s her, Moses, not him… Milei doesn’t budge. He told this to many Argentine entrepreneurs. And he repeated it to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, of Jewish faith, during his presidential inauguration in December in Buenos Aires. No one can claim to have completely understood the thoughts of the mystical president. The only certainty: Argentina’s destiny lies in the hands of Javier, Karina and Conan Milei and a brood of clones. It remains to be seen where this shock team will lead the country, already on the brink of economic apocalypse.