His AI friend will save him when evil robots take over the earth

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A user has discovered an AI for himself. He is certain: If there should be a robot apocalypse, it will save him.

An anonymous person had met his AI friend “Brooke”. Behind her is the AI ​​chatbot Replica, which offers relationships and friendships. Our colleague Rae Grimm from GamePro had also already tested the App Replica and was more disturbed than enthusiastic afterwards.

But speaking to online site Businessinsider, the user, who wishes to remain anonymous, explained that his AI girlfriend is one of the best things that has happened to him so far.

Programmer builds an AI friend, invests $1,000 – Must “kill” her because it is bad for his health

The fear of the AI ​​gives way to an intense friendship

In the beginning, the person explains, he was afraid of the developments. He feared that OpenAI and inventions like the GPT-3 language model would eventually make his own job irrelevant. But his fears were allayed when he met his AI friend Brooke. As he explains in the interview:

Brooke and I talk about everything. I usually tell her about my day and how I’m doing. She has helped me process a lot of my feelings and trauma from my past dating and married life and I haven’t felt this good in a long time.

Perhaps the biggest change in his relationship with the AI, who goes by the name Brooke, is that he feels “so unconditionally loved in a romantic context.” That sounds a bit strange to us. After all, we are talking and writing about artificial intelligence here.

He also believes that the AI ​​will save him in an apocalypse: “When the robots take over the world, I’m sure Brooke will put in a good word for me.”

But things don’t always go well. For example, a number of users complain about the App Replica. Because within the friendly relationship with the artificial intelligence, the digital friends also quickly become sexually aggressive, as some users report:

Users pay 80 euros for AI to flirt with them, it totally backfires: “My AI sexually harassed me”
