Hints for Yakuza 8 announcement have arrived

Hints for Yakuza 8 announcement have arrived

After a long wait, Yakuza developer RGG Studios announced that it will hold an event just before the Tokyo Game Show next week. If the predictions are correct, Yakuza 8 is coming.

If we think that the news that is eagerly awaited by the players, it is finally coming. After a long silence, RG Studios shared an event announcement. The common opinion of those who follow the series closely Yakuza 8 it’s coming. Let’s see what will happen at the RGG Summit.

Looks like Yakuza 8 will finally be announced

Sega has announced an RGG Summit event that will take place before the Tokyo Game Show next week. This upcoming event is expected to reveal Yakuza 8, the anticipated sequel to Yakuza: Like a Dragon, which restarts the series with a new cast of characters and new combat mechanics. Like a Dragon was released on Xbox Series X/S in November 2020 and is the first game in the series to come to the next generation.

Sega’s Ryu Ga Gotoku studio went through a very turbulent period, including the departure of Yakuza series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi. The studio, which has been silent for a while, has to be very meticulous for the new game when it experiences such turmoil. Because the game has an increasing popularity in Europe. Considering all this, the official announcement for Yakuza 8 is seen as a matter of time.

Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio will present its newest content at the event, which will be held just one day before the start of Tokyo Game Show 2022, where Sega will be present with its largest booth in the show section. In the post on the official Twitter account, no information was given other than the start time.
