Highways to the States General of Management Consulting: new models for the management of human capital

Highways to the States General of Management Consulting new models

(Finance) – The General States of Management Consulting. At the annual convention of Assoconsultwhich brings together companies, universities, institutions and business communities, now in its fifteenth edition, also participated Gianluca OreficeDirector Human Capital and Organization of Autostrade per l’Italia Group and Board Member D value.

“Centrality of people, inclusiveness and valorization of diversity – states Orefice – are elements that are part of the profound rethinking of role of the companywhich is proposed as attentive social infrastructure to all relationships with internal and external stakeholders. A vision supported through a program dedicated to the themes of equity and inclusion thanks to which the OF THE enters fully into the business strategy, defining the sustainable development objectives”, he said Gianluca Oreficeon the sidelines of the work session.

The plan of transformation of the ASPI Group resulted in a necessary expansion of the scope of intervention to create, with integrated supply chain skills, a sustainable plan of works to strengthen and develop the network, deploying economic resources, engineering know-how and giving a central role for human capital. In the last four years the Group has hired around 3000 people, as part of a commitment to increasingly sustainable mobility.

“The great commitment on the DEI side carried out within Aspi in recent years has allowed us to improve our ability to attract new talent including many female talents; we have increased the level of engagement of our people and broken down any barriers we spread an inclusive work environment where everyone can free their energies by contributing to the creation of value for our Group” concluded Orefice.
