Highly-anticipated Netflix cracker with extremely rare age rating gets the most praise yet

Highly anticipated Netflix cracker with extremely rare age rating gets the

Blonde, a highly anticipated drama about the life of Marilyn Monroe (played by Ana de Armas), is due out on Netflix later this year. The critics haven’t seen the film yet. An extremely important figure knows him but already and pours out praise for the film. Joyce Carol Oates, the author of the template.

Scandal film 2022 on Netflix: author Joyce Carol Oates praises the Marilyn Monroe film adaptation

At the Fantastic Film Festival in Neuchâtel, according to Variety, she said:

Andrew Dominik is a brilliant director. He managed to show Norma Jeane Baker’s experience from her perspective. Instead of looking at them from the outside from the male point of view on a woman. He dug into her perspective.

Those are significant credits from Oates, who has been a published writer for nearly 60 years. Andrew Dominik’s (The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford) drama seems, even from today’s perspective, to be an exceptional work. This Netflix film got NC-17 (no under 18s allowed) an extremely rare US age rating.

When is Andrew Dominik’s Blonde with Ana de Armas coming to Netflix?

Blonde is supposed to September 23, 2022 come to Netflix. In addition to de Armas, Adrien Brody (The Pianist) is also cast for the bio-drama.

Is Netflix still the best streaming service?

Netflix is ​​in its first really big crisis. In the Moviepilot podcast, we talk about the various problems that led to this.

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Price increases, series cancellations and a lot of mass instead of class: Netflix is ​​still the most popular streaming service in the world, but for how long? The competition from Sky, Amazon, Disney+ and HBO Max has caught up enormously.

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