High temperatures in September – the heat causes problems for hunting teams

The beginning of September has brought record heat and brilliant sunshine in many parts of the country. But for the hunting teams that have started moose hunting, the heat means big problems.

– It’s not going well, it’s not wise how hot it is. Today we have 25 degrees, says Martin Lundberg, who belongs to the Goddjaur hunting team and hunts in Rabnaträsket three kilometers northwest of Sorsele.

– We’ve had some hot days in previous years, but this is extreme. It’s terribly hot, says hunter Pelle Rådström.

Even the dogs are affected by the high temperatures.

– They get tired very quickly, this is not how we want it.

Some shoot the hunt

So far, the hunting team has not shot a moose. They try to adapt the hunt to still be out.

– We start earlier in the morning, have less clothes and shorter shifts, says Lundberg.

Are there any benefits to being so hot?

– No, not a single one.

Many hunting teams have chosen to postpone the hunt in the hope of cooler temperatures during the hunt. However, not everyone has the opportunity when you have taken a holiday or traveled in advance.
