High school management kept quiet about anti-Semitic incident

High school management kept quiet about anti Semitic incident
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full screen High school management in Malmö concealed from the politicians that there have been incidents in schools connected to the conflict in the Middle East. Archive image. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

The high school management in Malmö has on several occasions concealed from the politicians in the city that there have been incidents at schools connected to the Israel-Palestine conflict, an investigation by Sydsvenskan shows.

An incident occurred at a municipal high school in mid-October when, among other things, a student expressed death threats against Jews and made the Hitler salute in a classroom.

When the high school management at a meeting with the high school and education board a little over a week later received specific questions from the politicians about whether there had been any school incidents connected to the conflict, the answer was no, even though public documents that the newspaper has seen show that the management was certainly aware of the incident in the classroom.

At another meeting at the end of November, the answer was the same: No incidents.

To Sydsvenskan’s question why the high school management did not tell the politicians about the incident, director of education Johan Aspelin replies:

– As I understood it, their questions applied from a more here-and-now perspective. And in that perspective, I had nothing to report. It was a mistake on my part.

The incident in the classroom was never reported to the police either, but after the review, one will now be drawn up.
