Star Wars: Hight Republic Series is preparing to complete its years of story with “Traals of the Jedi .. The biggest exam of the Jedi Order begins.
Star Wars The High Republic series, which is considered one of the bravest projects in the universe, approaches the Grand Final after about five years. This transmedia initiative, about the Golden Age of the Jedi Order, presented a wide storytelling with novels, comic books and TV shows. Now, the Traals of the Jedi, written by Charles Soule, will put the point in this epic story. The Jeds are preparing for their last battles against Nijah, Markion Ro and his destructive creatures, who threaten the galaxy.
Star Wars: Trials of the Jedi Largest Exam
Traals of the Jedi focuses on one of the biggest threats of the Jedi Order. The creatures that consume Force, which Marchion Ro releases in the galaxy, are an existential danger not only for the Jedi order, but for the entire Republic. Nine Jedi, chosen by Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann in the story, appears to be a life -and -death in order to find the origin of Nihail’s creatures and to stop the threat.
This task will test both the capabilities of the Jedi and the determination of the galactic order. Soule says that this story will reveal not only the physical power of the Jedi Order, but also the resistance of light to the darkness. The author describes the Traals of the Jedi as a “story of an epic heroism and sacrifice ..
Charles Soule says that he has written this final book for those who have followed the High Republic series from the beginning and for those who take new steps in the Star Wars universe. “This story, while solving the long -awaited nodes of the series, also offers a new introduction to the Star Wars universe,” he said.
Star Wars: The High Republic Series is expected to complete the lasting story for years. Traals of the Jedi will meet readers on June 17, 2025. Will the galaxy be saved in this last struggle of the Jedi Order, or will it win the dark ultimate victory? The answer to this question welcomes Star Wars fans with an epic final.