Cardiovascular diseases in Turkey, while being among the main causes of deaths, while continuing, heart attack High odds in their cases give an alarm. According to the data of the European Union, Türkiye is rising to the top of the deaths caused by heart attack. Among the causes of this increase in heart attack cases, factors such as unhealthy lifestyle habits, stress, malnutrition, cigarette and alcohol consumption, obesity and lack of physical activity stand out.
Cardiology Specialist Dr. İsmail Erdoğu, saying that smoking is quite common, “Patients do not go to their controls on time and are sloppy in the use of the prescribed drugs regularly. In addition, they are delayed to apply to the hospital in cases of heart attack. It could have been low. “
“High risk factor”
Specialist İsmail Erdoğu stated that one of the most important risk factors of heart diseases is smoking, “According to the data shared by the European Union, we are in the second place after Germany in a heart attack rates. However, we are leading in deaths due to deaths and heart diseases due to all causes. At this point, ourselves, ‘Why are we dying more because of heart disease?’ We need to ask the question.
The biggest enemy of the heart
Although there are some improvements in the field of health, our risk factors are still high. One of the most important risk factors of heart diseases is smoking. In addition, still life, diabetes, blood pressure irregularity, obesity and not doing sports are among the main causes of heart diseases, “he said.
“It is of great importance”
East, early diagnosis and correct treatment in heart diseases, saying that life is a life -saving, “It is of great importance to create social awareness in this regard. Serious studies should be done to quit smoking. Schools, social areas, municipalities and various institutions should be increased. As with all diseases, early diagnosis and correct treatment is life -saving.
The most important factor that survives a person who has a heart attack is appropriate and timely treatments. While some patients need angio for patients, some patients should be hospitalized and protected from the risks that may be hospitalized. Patients, chest pain, pressure, stuck, shortness of breath, fear of death, sweating and fainting such as complaints should apply to the nearest health institution without losing time, “he said.