Hidden heart disease! May be worse than cancer

Hidden heart disease May be worse than cancer

Heart disease that is not treated in a timely manner can have worse outcomes than most types of cancer. He warned that a hard-to-detect heart disease could be caught by a simple test that some medical professionals miss. When one or more of the valves between the four chambers of the heart stop working properly, additional strain is placed on the heart.

According to the British Heart Foundation, this increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, as the heart is forced to work harder. Experts warned that the disease often goes undetected because routine check-ups are not always done when they should.


Heart valve disease occurs as a result of the deterioration of the heart valve structure and making it unable to function. Disease in the valves can develop in two ways, narrowing and/or failure of the valve (backward leakage of blood). The cause of valve diseases is very diverse, such as genetics, advanced age, infection, heart muscle diseases.


Since the heart cannot do its job properly, it will have more difficulty while working out the routine. Putting more strain on the vital organ can cause fatal reactions. Those who have this problem feel tired and may experience problems such as shortness of breath.


  • Don’t get tired quickly,
  • Weakness,
  • Palpitation,
  • feeling of congestion,
  • Shortness of breath
