Hiccup in the designation of delegates for the negotiations

Hiccup in the designation of delegates for the negotiations

Consultations between Chadian politico-military groups are continuing in Doha. Qatar, supposed to mediate, asked them to appoint between them ten delegates to lead the negotiations among the 52 movements present at the opening. The discussions are progressing, even if we are still far from the end. And all the more so as they split into two groups.

With our special correspondent in Doha, Florence Morice

First there is the so-called “Rome” group, so called because it brings together movements which, before coming to Doha, had already met under the aegis of the Sant Egidio community.

They are 22 in total, including all the Chadian rebel movementsconsidered the most important.

According to our information, this group from Rome is preparing to submit to Qatari mediation a list of 14 delegates who would be headed by a head of delegation. The personality of Adoum Yacoub, leader of the FPRN, seems to have won unanimous support.

Can a compromise still be found?

But during this time, another group, baptized the “Doha group” and made up of around thirty movements, carried out its own consultations to arrive on Friday evening at a list of sixteen representatives whom they too are preparing to submit to Qatari mediation.

In total, therefore, thirty delegates will be proposed instead of the ten requested. What will be Qatar’s strategy in this situation? Will they agree to mediate with so many delegates?

Can a compromise still be found? This is what is happening now, knowing that several rebel groups have made it known that they would leave this pre-dialogue process if Doha is content with the role of facilitator and not of mediator.
