Hezbollah raises its voice with powerful attacks against distant Israeli targets

Hezbollah raises its voice with powerful attacks against distant Israeli

Hezbollah and the Israeli army exchanged drone attacks and artillery and rocket fire on Sunday June 23 throughout the front which extends from the Mediterranean to the foothills of the Golan, occupied and annexed by Israel. Faced with these growing tensions, thousands of fighters from pro-Iranian groups would be ready to go to Lebanon to join Hezbollah if open war broke out against Israel, according to the AP agency.

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Signs from the ground on the 120 km Lebanese-Israeli front show increasing risks of a major conflagration between Hezbollah and the Israeli army, who have clashed daily since October 8, reports our correspondent in Beirut, Paul Kahlifeh.

The attacks launched by Hezbollah target targets increasingly distant from the front line and the firepower it deploys is far greater than in the first months of the conflict. This Sunday, Hassan Nasrallah’s party announced that it had launched a squadron of suicide drones against the headquarters of the Israeli 91st division, in the Safad region in the Upper Galilee, more than 10 km from the border.

A Hezbollah press release explains that this attack is a response to a raid carried out on Saturday by the Israeli air force. in the eastern Bekaa plain. During this strike, a leader of the armed wing of the Lebanese Muslim Brotherhood, allies of Hamas, was killed.

The pro-Iranian Lebanese party carried out five more attacks with drones, artillery and rockets against Israeli positions.

Israeli artillery and aircraft were also very active this Sunday. Around ten Lebanese regions and localities were targeted in different sectors of South Lebanon.

Thousands of pro-Iran fighters ready to join Hezbollah in the event of open war

In this context of ever-increasing tensions at the border, the American news agency Associated Press claims that thousands of fighters from groups supported by Iran in the Middle East would be ready to go to Lebanon to join their ally Hezbollah. This is if its conflict against Israel degenerates into a real open war. The agency cites officials from Iran-backed factions and analysts.

Information that the leader of Hezbollah had already mentioned. In a speech Wednesday, Hassan Nasrallah said militant leaders from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other countries had already offered to send tens of thousands of fighters to help Hezbollah,

But he added that the group already had more than 100,000 fighters: “ We told them thank you, but we are overwhelmed by our numbers “, declared Mr. Nasrallah.

Read alsoIn southern Lebanon, the shadow of open conflict between Israel and Hezbollah?
