Hezbollah leader threatens Israel with war if it exploits Karish gas field

Hezbollah leader threatens Israel with war if it exploits Karish

The Hezbollah leader explicitly threatened a war if Israel began extracting gas from the Karish field, disputed by Lebanon, without prior agreement on the course of the maritime border between the two countries. These threats made Wednesday evening, July 13, during a televised intervention, intervene a dozen days after the destruction by Israel of three unarmed reconnaissance drones launched by the Shiite party towards the gas platform. It is located at the limit of the exclusive economic zones of the two countries.

With our correspondent in Beirut, Paul Khalifeh

The words of Hassan Nasrallah do not lend themselves to any confusion. The outcome of a war is preferable to the inevitable collapse of Lebanon, which would be caused, according to him, by a will of the United States to starve and destroy the country.

To die as a martyr in war is better than to be killed in front of a bakery or a gas station “, he said, referring to the shortages of bread and fuel which are multiplying in Lebanon, hit by a unprecedented economic crisis.

For the leader of Hezbollah, an agreement on the demarcation of the maritime border with Israel is not enough. Lebanon should be allowed, like Israel, to exploit its gas resources, because it is the only solution to generate the funds needed to get out of the crisis.

Israeli sites targeted in the event of conflict

The Shiite leader assured that his party had the land, air and sea military capabilities necessary to prevent Israel from exploiting its hydrocarbon resources. He added that Hezbollah has the intelligence and geographic coordinates of Israeli gas infrastructure, which will not be spared in the event of a conflict.

Launching drones is just the start Nasrallah warned, calling on the Lebanese to adopt a position brave and united concerning the file of the border dispute with Israel.

Read: Israel says it shot down three Hezbollah drones heading for Karish gas field
