Herrljunga Musteri changes packaging – after legal requirements

Herrljunga Musteri changes packaging after legal requirements

Herrljunga Musteri must come up with a new solution for the packaging of ginger-about according to new EU rules. They have also done so, but they do not yet want to reveal what it is.

It is the “gingerhot mini” that will have a new look.

Nina HagmanMarketing and Innovation Manager at Herrljunga Drinks, is very wordy about the new launch.

-For two years it has been written about the problem that the mortgage machines cannot take small packaging, while at the same time it has become an EU requirement that all PET bottles should have a mortgage, she tells News24.

“A few years ago we had a minishot in a small glass bottle, and since glass is not covered by the mortgage requirements, it was a smooth solution. But glass is both expensive, heavy, fragile and unwieldy, which made us choose to end with it”.

At the same time, orders from the EU came that all PET bottles must be covered by a mortgage, but all PET bottles cannot be pledged because of the mortgage machines.

The minimum allowed dimensions in the machines are an outer diameter of 50 millimeters and an altitude of at least 85 millimeters, a measure that the smallest ginger the shower does not measure.

The company’s “gingerhot mini” is already listed at ICA and Hemköp and will be purchased from week 12.

– We will reveal our packaging on Monday, March 17, Hagman tells News24.
