Here’s What to Eat to Prevent Gray Hair

Heres What to Eat to Prevent Gray Hair

According to experts, these foods help delay the appearance of the dreaded white hair.

Feared by many people for unsightly reasons, white hair generally occurs after the age of thirty. Hair whitening is a natural process that is part of the life cycle, due to the depletion of the stock of melanocytes, these cells that produce melanin at the origin of the production of hair pigments. In some people for whom the phenomenon occurs much too early, apart from the regrettable genetic heritage, oxidative stress would be the cause, often linked to vitamin deficiencies. If it is inevitable to eradicate the phenomenon of hair whitening, it is possible to delay it by consuming vitamins that are naturally found in very specific foods.

These foods have the power to fill the deficiencies that cause oxidative stress responsible for hair whitening. Trichologist Madeleine Preston, a hair fiber expert interviewed by the Cosmopolitan USrecommends “a cocktail of omega 3 and copper” to promote the pigmentation of the hair fiber. A sufficient quantity of copper participates in the synthesis of melanin, thus helping to maintain the color of your hair, and omega 3 stimulates the production of healthy and resistant hair. We will therefore favor a diet based on nuts, seafood, liver and offal, brewer’s yeast, flax and cocoa.

Would you like some more cooked calf’s liver? © SOLLUB –

According to the medical website Doctissimo, cooked veal liver would be the food richest in copper (20.1 milligrams of copper per 100 grams). Next comes cooked lamb liver (8.5 mg), brewer’s yeast (5.3 mg), cooked heifer liver (3.5 mg), unsweetened cocoa powder (2.7 mg) , cashew nut (2 mg), cooked periwinkle (1.7 mg), hazelnut (1.6 mg), cooked crab or crab and raw oyster (1.5 mg), dark chocolate with 70% cocoa (1.4 mg), cooked whelk (1.3 mg), almond, pistachio, walnut or pecan (1.2 mg). It should be noted, as the site specifies, that “in athletes, copper intake must be increased by 0.5 to 1 mg per day, in order to compensate for losses in sweat”.

As for Omega 3, we will favor linseed oils which are used in salads or rapeseed oil which is suitable for seasonings or frying. Two daily tablespoons of these foods will give you the recommended intake of 2 grams. Otherwise, around fifteen nuts will provide the entire recommended daily intake. Finally, foods from the sea such as sardines, mackerel, anchovies or canned herring or, Food supplements based on fish oil such as cod liver are practical and have very good Omega 3 contents.

As you will have understood, if there is no miracle cure for white hair, these foods, whose key vitamins can be consumed in the form of food supplements, have the power to slow down the aging of the hair fiber and thus delay the depigmentation of the hair. Added to this is a good hair routine, namely spacing out your shampoos (maximum two per week, no more!), favoring a cleansing treatment with less aggressive agents such as a low-poo and finishing the wash with a special moisturizing mask for dry hair.
