Here’s the fastest of Superpesis – a former elite athlete explains how Saaga-Angelia Raudasojja has a “bloodlust” in his progress

Heres the fastest of Superpesis a former elite athlete

will be shown on its channels on Thursday 18.5. Manse PP–Kirittäret of the women’s Superpesis top match. The broadcast on TV2, Areena and the app starts at 18:00.

The previous season ended with lackluster results, when the regular season winner Manse PP lost silver in the final series after Kirittäri. Of course, the title of Queen of Pioneers was handed out with praise and praise Saga-Angelia for the Iron Agebut in the team sport only championships matter.

Raudasoja’s competitive spirit is fierce and it has guided him since childhood.

– Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been sickly competitive, I’ve loved competing in everything. I remember from school, that I had daily small competitions in all kinds of things. As an E or D girl, I was already quite sure that I wanted to play for Superpes, says Raudasoja.

According to Raudasoja, the charm of sports is the opportunity to seek maximum levels in yourself. Ambitious training has also led to top performances, for example, Raudasoja is measured to be the fastest in the women’s Superpesis. In July 2022, the timing of the 30-meter distance used in baseball stopped at 3.93.

– How fast I can be has always been a really big deal for me. I have thought that it would be great to be faster than another player, but also that it would be a little great to be faster than anyone else, Raudasoja admits.

Raudasoja was already looking for more information and tips to speed up development in the early years. Today’s speed is not only the result of natural qualities but also goal-oriented training.

– Ever since I played in Oulainen Huima, I’ve been looking for advice and messaged the coaches asking if someone could teach and coach me.

Training is year-round

When Raudasoja moved to Tampere two years ago, one factor that strengthened the decision to move was Manse PP’s physical training. Known as a multitasker in his own career Tiia Hautala received the first contact from Raudasoja even before the transfer agreement.

Hautala brings a second opinion, a personal physical trainer, to the training routine of the advanced athlete Manu Vartia has been responsible for coaching Raudasoja since Sotkamo sports high school.

– I have especially gained technical know-how from Tiia. I already sent a message to Tiia before the first camp that you will watch my run, that we will start developing this. I knew his background and that was also part of the reason why it felt great to come to Tampere. Raudasoja tells.

Twenty-year-old Saaga-Angelia Raudasoja is an ideal coach for Vartia and Hautala. Athletes are always thirsty for information, and everything your physical education coach says or asks is guaranteed to be heard. Whatsapp sings when thoughts are exchanged almost daily, even between workouts. There’s not much playing between seasons, and Raudasosa didn’t want to play too much when starting this season either.

The frenzy to get to work out is huge.

– After the season, I usually take a mental break for only a couple of weeks, when I do a little jogging. But I like training so much that it’s year-round for me, says Raudasoja.

Full-time athleticism is not possible for all Super’s players, but fortunately Raudasoja’s achievements and potential have been such that as a contracted player of Manse PP, he is able to focus on sports full-time.

Everyday life is a direct pleasure when it has been arranged according to the conditions of sports.

Speed ​​alone is not enough

In baseball, the skill of running can still be used to meet the other demands of the sport, but without running skill it is difficult to reach the top.

– Running skills are essential. Fast power output, the relative strength of the body is crucial in a sport where the equipment is not heavy. You have to be able to move your body efficiently, physical trainer Hautala describes the basic requirement of top baseball.

When reading Etenija’s statistics, it inevitably comes to mind how well Raudasosa would do, for example, in the fast distances of athletics alongside the specialists of the sport. The two haven’t tested the smooth 100 yet, but you can get something of a point of comparison with domestic sprinters from the results of the light jump.

The light jump is a fast squat jump, where Finland’s number one women push sixty centimeters at their best, according to Hautala.

– Saaga-Angelia has jumped 52 centimeters in the relief jump, so the result is quite comparable. In addition, we have measured the power, how fast the iron moves, and he is indeed phenomenal in that, says Tiia Hautala.

The conditions for fast distances would have been there, but a baseball’s fast distance of 30 meters is different than, for example, a hundred smooth.

In terms of success in baseball, in addition to speed, it is also important that the player knows how to move forward. Progress is a skill that also requires attitude.

– It is not enough to put a fast person at the top. Saga-Angelia, for example, has such bloodlust in her run. Many times I have watched how he has won nest competitions because he is specifically a forward, not just a fast runner, Hautala continues.

In the boxing gym, the irons rattle when the duo Hautala-Raudaso moves to the next exercise. The coaching staff of Manse PP has a diamond in their hands in Raudasoja, which they dare to polish even brighter. With Hautala’s lessons, the pace has been improved a bit in a couple of seasons already.

– Time has to be saved, especially from the technology side. I look forward to the continuation of the cooperation with Tiia, where we can get to together. I’m still relatively young, so the results should be improved. And we will, Raudasoja promises.

will be shown on its channels on Thursday 18.5. at 18:00 the women’s Superpesis top match Manse PP–Kirittäret. For Manselle, the match is the first of the season, Kirittäret beat Kempele’s Kiri in their season opener on Sunday.
