Here’s the exact time to eat at night to live longer, according to science

Heres the exact time to eat at night to live

After studying nonagenarians and centenarians, researchers have established the ideal time for dinner.

Abruzzo, Italy is the region with one of the highest numbers of relatively healthy elderly people. Moreover, Italy is the leading country in Europe in terms of population ageing. Suddenly, researchers said they were going to ask them questions about their lifestyle, and more particularly their eating habits, to discover the secret of their longevity. They came to a conclusion about the ideal time for dinner in the eveningwhich they publish in the magazine Frontiers in Nutrition.

On the same subject

A total of 68 people were followed, who were between 90 and 100 years old. They were in good health despite a problem of hypertension in 72% of them. On the other hand, only 19% of them suffered from hypercholesterolemia (which is very low according to the researchers) and 4% of them from hypertriglyceridemia.

17.5 hours between dinner and breakfast

Asking them about their dinner time, they noted that eating at a fixed time had a beneficial effect on their health and longevity. Eating early in the evening allowed them to have a break of 17.5 hours with the next meal (breakfast). They came to the conclusion that 7:13 p.m. was the perfect timing.

The calorie break allows you to have a night without post-meal “stress” for the body and offers a better metabolic response. Of course, the whole secret of their health does not lie solely in supper time, their diet also plays. The researchers note that the latter is rich in plants, and add that the elderly people of Abruzzo also practice physical activity.

Source : Early Dinner Time and Caloric Restriction Lapse Contribute to the Longevity of Nonagenarians and Centenarians of the Italian Abruzzo Region: A Cross-Sectional Study, March 2022.

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