Here’s the Age Difference in Couples That Last (and the One That Increases the Risk of Breakup)

Heres the Age Difference in Couples That Last and the

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    Love has no age, they say. But what is the ideal age gap between two partners? Does it influence the stability of the couple over time and its longevity? A new study of more than 3,000 couples sheds light on this and provides answers to these questions.

    Love transcends the limits of age and boundaries, for it resides not in the body, but in the heart.” writes Patrick Plumat in L’amour. But what is the real impact of the age gap in a couple? A new study conducted by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta, United States, attempts to answer this question.

    An 18% increase in separations for an age difference of 5 years

    For this work, the researchers analyzed the impact of the age difference and the risk of separation on more than 3,000 couples. According to the scientists’ conclusions, the greater the age difference between the spouses, the greater the risk of separation.

    In fact, a simple difference of 5 years increases the risk of separation by 18% compared to couples of the same age. For an age gap of 10 years, the researchers estimate the risk of separation increased by 39%.

    A trend that only increases with time, as scientists have determined the figure of 95% increase in the risk of divorce, if the age difference exceeds 20 years.

    According to scientists, the greater the age gap in a couple, the greater the risk of separation. Why? When partners are the same age, or almost, they have common foundations, interests and lifestyles. In addition, future plans are built together.

    In a couple with a large age difference, one partner may no longer want children while the other wants to have them. According to experts, it is this type of divergence that can weaken the relationship over time.

    Love has no rules!

    Based on this result, one might be tempted to say that all couples with a small age gap are made to last, while those with a large age gap risk separation. But this is not the case! Because as the saying goes, the heart has its reasons that reason does not know.

    Which means that there are obviously couples with a large age gap who love each other as much as they did on the first day and couples of the same age (or almost) who end up separating. As the researchers point out, “The essential element is to have a relationship based on trustlove and mutual respect towards each other”.
