Here’s how to remove the shell of hard-boiled eggs in less than 10 seconds: learn it immediately

Heres how to remove the shell of hard boiled eggs in

It has never been so easy to peel hard-boiled eggs. The trick that everyone can do at home.

Isn’t it frustrating to spend precious time painstakingly removing shells from hard-boiled eggs for your delicious summer salad? We are here to save your nails and your time! We’ll walk you through how to peel your hard-boiled eggs using a glass and water in a snap.

First of all, why is the shell of hard-boiled eggs so difficult to remove? This is largely due to a thin membrane called the chalaza that sticks the shell to the egg. By following our method, you will dislodge this stubborn membrane in just a few seconds.

Here is the step-by-step process:

1. Prepare your eggs: Start by hard-boiling your eggs as you normally do. Cook it for 9-12 minutes in salted boiling water. Once cooked, drain them and let them cool for a few minutes to avoid burning yourself.

2. Have a drink: Get a sturdy glass that’s big enough to hold two eggs and some water.

3. Add water: Put two hard-boiled eggs in the glass, then add enough water to cover them.


4. Shake, shake, shake: With one hand on the bottom of the glass and the other on the top, shake the glass vigorously back and forth for about ten seconds. The idea is to move the eggs in the glass so that the shell splits open and detaches from the membrane.


5. Remove the shell: At this point, the shell should have mostly detached from the eggs. You can simply remove it with your fingers. The remaining small pieces of shell can be removed by passing the egg under a gentle stream of cold water.

Voila, you have a perfectly peeled hard-boiled egg! Thanks to this innovative method, peeling your eggs has never been so easy and quick. Note that this technique works best with eggs that aren’t quite fresh. This is because fresh eggs have a tougher chalaza membrane which can make the peeling process more difficult.
