Bungie has created a new, strange Exo for Destiny 2: The Final Shape: Ergo Sum. This sword in the special slot can drop with various perks that change its play style. We’ll show you how to find the sword and what its God Rolls are for PvE and PvP.
How do I find Ergo Sum? The new exotic sword “Ergo Sum” can be found through the quest “Called Heroes”. The quest is only available to owners of the expansion “The Final Shape”.
To activate the quest, you must first have completed the campaign – difficulty does not matter. Now talk to your ghost in the landing zone “The Lost City” and he will give you the quest. You must then complete the following steps:
If you are looking for more detailed directions to the individual quest steps, we have included the guide video from Nexxoss for you:
What is special about Ergo Sum? The special thing about this exotic sword is the fact that it fits in the special slot. You can also get the sword with random perks and these perks are perks from well-known exotics such as the Gjallarhorn or Polaris Lance. So it’s worth farming the sword.
Where can you farm Ergo Sum? Ergo Sum can be obtained twice a week through the new Pathfinder system in the Pale Heart of the Traveler. You can also get an additional copy through the Subversion patrol events when you complete the final phase.
Below we will show you which God Rolls you should now chase for PvE and PvP.
Ergo Sum: God Roll for PvE
Ergo Sum: God Roll for PvP
You should note this: Ergo Sum hasn’t been on the market for long, so players may find new God Rolls that are better suited for PvE and PvP. We will therefore adjust the list again in the coming days if better alternatives emerge.
Also note that the God Rolls are not a “must-have”. Feel free to experiment and find out which combinations suit your play style better. In addition to the Ergo Sum, there is also an explosive sniper that deals heavy damage. You can find out how to secure the “Never-Ending Hunt” in our other guide: Destiny 2: Unlocking the “Never-Ending Hunt” – How to get the exotic sniper