Here you get SEK 10,000 more at the summer job: Several municipalities

Throughout Sweden’s healthcare, a major conflict began on Thursday over what to get paid. More, the unions think. Not too much, according to Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions.

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There is money to collect on Gotland

But at the same time, for example, on Region Gotland’s website, summer temporary workers who can put in a few extra weeks are attracted with a one-off bonus of SEK 10,000. This is good news, seems to be the opinion of the care staff who are now standing in long lines to fill staffing in everything from home care to personal assistance.

It reported P4 Gotland.

And it’s not just on Sweden’s largest island that healthcare staff get sugary offers.

Even in the north

In Skellefteå, for example, young people are attracted to jump in and make a few knots, and get an extra SEK 10,000. It reported SVT News Västerbotten.

… and in Dalarna

Several other municipalities have similar arrangements. Those who work extra during the summer holidays get a substantial increase in their income.

In Ludvika, the staff is given 20,000 kroner in summer bonus for a whole month of extra work. It has News24 already reported on. But there were still no cheerful faces among the municipality’s substitutes. This is because they first promised SEK 80,000 in mark-up, which they then backed out of.

Now the only question that remains is what the regular staff will receive in compensation. You can follow that in Nyheter24’s care conflict coverage.

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