Here, wounded soldiers are evacuated with armored vehicles

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Fierce fighting has been fought in the city of Soledar in Ukraine in recent weeks. Both sides have suffered heavy losses in the area. Russia has backed away from the information that it would capture the city of Soledar. Ukraine still has control over large parts of the city but is hard pressed.

A drone footage shows a risky evacuation of wounded soldiers. A Ukrainian armored vehicle drives through the ruins to a building where soldiers are waiting with an injured person. On the way out, the vehicle is nearly hit by Russian shelling.

In Moscow, the commander-in-chief has been changed once again. New to the post is Valery Gersamov, who previously fell out of favor and was heavily criticized by military thinkers for having failed as a commander. Some believe that Putin simply does not have many to choose from in the difficult situation Russia finds itself in.

The Ukrainian forces defending the towns of Bakhmut and Soledar in eastern Ukraine are to be provided with all the necessary weapons, according to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“I want to emphasize that the units defending these cities will be supplied with ammunition and everything necessary, on time and without pause,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a statement after a meeting with senior military officials.

In the clip above: Drone footage shows fierce battles in the city
