Here Ukraine shoots down Russian attack aircraft

Today, Ukraine states that a Russian attack aircraft of the type SU-25 type.
– This happens at times, but not excessively often, says TV4 News Foreign Reporter Johan Fredriksson.

Today 18:18

Here the Russian plane is pushed down

The shooting must have taken place outside the city of Toretsk in eastern Ukraine. On several occasions, Russian fighter aircraft should be shot down.

– Putin’s fighter aircraft is of course sought after goals for the Ukrainian defenders and every now and then they manage to shoot them down, says, says TV4 News Foreign Reporter Johan Fredriksson.

According to Russian data, the shooting happened at the same time as the Toret fell into Russian hands. According to Russian sources, the city must now be completely conquered by Russian troops, after months of violent battles.

– Since everything indicates that the Russians now, after sustained clashes, have taken control of the city of Toret, this can act as a small boost for morality. Both for the Ukrainian troops and for the public, says Johan Fredriksson.
