Here, Tove Dalsryd gets to leave Robinson – despite secret immunity

Tove Dalsryd steps into Thursday’s island council with a secret immunity, something she has already told the other participants that she is sitting on. After everyone has had their votes, however, she chooses not to use it. Something that leads to her, who gets the most votes, having to leave Robinson.

When Tove and the presenter Petra Malm have a final conversation, Tove asks if there is anything she can do to get back, but the answer is no.

– My only goal when I entered Robinson was to win the whole shit. Just the feeling of going out on an island council when I have a secret immunity in my pocket, I can’t believe this is happening to me. I hope that this is a nightmare and that I will wake up any second, says Tove in the program.

Therefore, Tove did not use her secret immunity

In an interview, Tove now tells why everything went wrong.

– I counted the votes and thought that if the others are honest with me, I will be safe, and in the worst case there will be a duel. I knew it was a very high risk, she says.

– The others were clear that I was the biggest threat and after this there was only one island left before the final. I just wanted to get there and felt it was worth the risk. I understood that if I passed this island council, I would have made it to the finals, she continues.

Although Petra was clear that Tove will not come back, her feeling was still that she would be allowed to.

– Karro was so close to leaving that morning because of the centipede and Wilmer had such a toothache. I thought that if anything happens tonight, I can come back. I asked the production “if I don’t shower or eat anything tonight, can I come back then if someone leaves?”. So I didn’t do that when I got to the hotel, says Tove.

– But the production told me to shower and eat.

Tells about the mistakes of the production

But she also tells something else that may have played a decisive role in her having to leave, something that viewers didn’t get to see on the show. Earlier, Wilmer and Karolina had found a secret immunity on the beach, which turned out to be invalid, according to the production.

Something that led to the participants doubting that Tove was sitting on a valid immunity, which made them choose to cast their votes for Tove.

– It was a mistake by the production, says Tove.

– Wilmer said it was very decisive. He said that “it screwed up for you, we didn’t think it applied”. I even showed it, why didn’t they believe it? she continues.

Caroline Norrby, who is executive producer for Robinson, confirms that the mistake happened to be from the production side.

“Unfortunately, that is true. It was an immunity that was already used on an island council, and which only applied until the amalgamation. The immunities must always be submitted by the participants after ear advice, but for some reason this was missed. The contestant wanted to keep it as a memento, but then dropped it on the beach where Wilmer and Karro found it. The production explained to Wilmer and Karolina on the spot, and they understood,” she writes.

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Far away from civilization, participants fight against the forces of nature and compete in spectacular competitions. The winner takes home half a million kroner.
