Here the wolf runs across the yard in Fränsta

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The wolf passed unabashedly in the yard outside Josefin Mikaelsson’s house and the family carefully managed to capture the animal on film. There is no doubt that it really is a wolf.

– Yes, I would say that it is, states Peter Nilsson at the county administrative board in Västernorrland, who has also seen the film.

Killed deer

The wolf is also suspected of hitting a deer nearby. 14-year-old Milton Bergkvist Löfstrand has taken still pictures of the deer carcass lying on a piece of ice. This is how Milton writes about the wolf that he himself was not lucky enough to see:

“No, I wasn’t that lucky. The deer apparently died earlier in the morning. Probably before dawn. Many have heard and seen the wolves for several weeks and most recently this morning it passed by my uncle and his family. Next to the house wall, scary.”


According to Peter Nilsson at the county administrative board in Västernorrland, it is unusual but not unnatural for a wolf to move so close to residential buildings. At the moment, the county administrative board will not follow up on the observation because the track conditions with rock-hard snow at the moment make it impossible.
