Here, the weather will be colder and rain – end of the summer heat

Here the weather will be colder and rain end

Tuesday continues to offer warmth and some sun, but during the evening and night it turns.

— Temperatures will be lower and we have rainy weather that will move north-east over the country tomorrow. Before it moves into the eastern and northern parts of the country, there will be some sun and 20 degrees, they say Sofia Söderberg, meteorologist at SMHI, to TT on Tuesday.

But for those living in the western parts of the country, the rain already moves in during the night, which means it gets colder in the early morning hours.

“If you look across the country, it will be 15 to 20 degrees and windy with occasional strong gusts,” she says.

There are still some sunny chances during the second half of the week. But mainly it will be partly cloudy and some showers.


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Unclear if the super heat will return

Even if the degrees drop, it won’t be cold, says Sofia Söderberg.

“It’s not a cold period, even if it feels that way if you look at what has been,” she says.

But right now there is no indication that the super heat will return in the near future.

— It’s nothing that I see right now and then we’re looking ahead for 10 days. We will see at the end of the period where there is increasingly uncertain development.


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Risk of grass and forest fires

SMHI has also flagged grass and forest fires. During Tuesday, areas in Götaland, Svealand and southernmost Norrland were at risk of forest fires, while in the Lapland mountains it was a matter of grass fires.

— It is something we look at daily. If we look ahead, it also applies tomorrow, mainly the northern areas. Then it subsides later in the week and the risk decreases, says Sofia Söderberg.

At the moment, there is still a danger of forest fires on Gotland and Öland during Thursday and Friday.
