Tomatoes that are damaged or “feeling bad” make sounds, new research shows. – But it is probably difficult to say that they are suffering, points out evolutionary biologist Jessica Abbot. New research shows that plants that are dehydrated or damaged make sounds. The sounds are high frequency and therefore we humans cannot hear them. But an Israeli research group has now been able to demonstrate that the sounds exist and that they can be heard by other plants and even by certain animals. By attaching small ultrasound microphones to the tomato plant, it has thus been possible to document the sounds that resemble small clicks that return at different intervals. According to the research report, the sounds come from the plant “feeling bad”, i.e. damaged or dried out. – I think it’s very exciting! But it’s probably hard to say that they suffer because they don’t have any brains or nerve cells, so they don’t have any kind of consciousness. But it opens up great research opportunities in any case, says evolutionary biologist Jessica Abbot. Why is it important to research? – There are a couple of possible areas of use – on the one hand, you could use it as a way to detect if the crops are not doing well and irrigate when needed, says Abbot. Then if you talk about the interaction between plants and animals, there is actually a possibility that insects or small rodents can hear these sounds and then they can listen to see if the plants are doing well or not, adds the evolutionary biologist. But do we need to feel guilty when we cut into the tomato salad? – No, I don’t think so, laughs Abbot. Hear the tomatoes “talk” in the player.
Here the tomato talks – revealing how bad it is