Here, the residential buildings are collapsing in the latest aftershock in Turkey

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A new earthquake has shaken southern Turkey. A man and his daughter who returned to collect items at their residence are reported to have been buried under a building.

The earthquake occurs three weeks after the powerful earthquake that has so far claimed tens of thousands of people’s lives. The center of the earthquake, with a magnitude of 5.6, is the town of Yesilyurt in Malatya province, according to the country’s disaster agency.

One person has died and around 70 have been injured, according to the authority. Several houses that were damaged since the previous quake have collapsed.

A four-story building is one of the buildings that collapsed. There, a father and his daughter who entered the building to collect belongings are reported to have ended up under the rubble, says the city’s mayor Mehmet Cinar to the Habertürk media company.

Residents flee the area

In another part of Malatya, rescue workers are searching through rubble that landed on parked cars, Habertürk reports. Many people in the earthquake-affected areas have taken refuge in their cars as their homes were either destroyed in the quake or damaged and rendered unsafe.

Malatya was one of eleven provinces in Turkey that was hit hard by the strong earthquake on February 6. In Turkey and Syria, where the earthquake was also devastating, a total of 48,000 people have died so far.

Watch as residential buildings collapse in the strong aftershocks.
