“Here, the quality of life is incomparable”: these French people who decide to live in Canada

Here the quality of life is incomparable these French people

On June 30, 2021, after more than a year of administrative procedures, Aurélia and Eric finally arrived in Calgary, at the foot of the Rockies. An “old North American dream” which comes true for this couple of forty-year-olds from Occitania, who came with their two boys aged 10 and 4. “We were working in the Paris region and we wanted to leave a form of gloom in France which contrasted with the state of mind that we perceived during our regular vacations in the United States and Canada”, explains Aurélia, a lawyer by profession. .

It was their immigration adviser – for whom the young woman now works – who told them about the Alberta metropolis, “a sunny city, very Americanized and located in the west of the country, with a less harsh climate during the winter. “, according to the newcomers. Eric, an automotive executive and perfectly bilingual, nevertheless has to start almost from scratch professionally. After working as a car salesman paid on commission, he bounced back by landing a job as a call center manager in a financial institution.

Quick adaptation for children

The children did not have too much difficulty adapting. The oldest is enrolled in an establishment that follows the Canadian program in French. “It’s really very easy to find a school on site,” says Aurélia. And above all, the teachers are caring and attentive. The environment is also very rewarding for the child.

For the second, as school is only compulsory in Canada from the age of 5, Aurélia and Eric are obliged to pay for a rather expensive preschool program – almost 900 dollars* per month. The good surprise came from the health system. “We found a French-speaking doctor and never had to advance the costs, except for dental care or glasses,” notes Aurélia.

If they had been able to rent a house from France, buying a car there proved to be much more complicated. In Canada, bank loans are conditioned by a credit score, determined by the day-to-day financial management of the applicant… It is therefore non-existent at the beginning for newcomers! Consequence: the couple had to mobilize the family savings.

For Aurélia, the balance sheet remains positive. Admittedly, their salaries are not in line with their objectives, “but things are changing quickly here,” she says. Admittedly, the holidays are reduced to the bare minimum (two weeks of paid vacation after one year in office). Nothing to discourage her though. “We have found real personal recognition here, general well-being in society. And an incomparable quality of life.”

* CAD$1 = €0.74
