For several weeks they have been in their bubble without any contact with the outside world. It therefore becomes emotional when family and friends unexpectedly show up at the Farm. – It feels like it was 100 years ago, says Sandra Öder when she meets her father. The summer at the Farm is coming to an end. The remaining participants are now in the final week and only a few days remain before the winner of the Farm 2023 is chosen. Several of them have been involved since the beginning and have been isolated from the outside world for several weeks. Therefore, it becomes very emotional when their loved ones suddenly appear on the farm. A dear reunion with family and friends There will be tears and total joy from several sides. Not least from Sandra Öder, who finally gets to meet her father. – It’s absolutely crazy, it’s so fucking cool. It’s like my dad, it’s my best friend. It’s my biggest idol, says Sandra in tears. In the player above, you can see when the participants are surprised by family and friends.
Here, the participants’ loved ones suddenly appear on the farm