Here, the hunting dog is rescued from ice floes in the Vindel River – see the drama: “The heart was about to stop”

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It was last weekend that Torbjörn Figaro and the dog Cesar went to Vännäs to hunt moose. The dog quickly got winded, but the whole thing developed into a horror.

The moose set off towards the Vindelälven and the hunting dog followed. Torbjörn could follow the whole thing via the tracking collar.

– They moved straight towards the rapids, I thought, damn, it looks like the dog is chasing the moose in the water.

Almost update confirmed the fears.

“Unlikely – I was so happy”

– Then I realized that the dog drives with the current. My heart was about to stop. I just pushed towards the car to get you, says Figaro.

Once he arrived at the Vindelälven, he was greeted by a pleasing sight.

– I see that the dog is standing on an ice floe. He has managed to get up, it was quite unlikely. I was so happy. It’s a family member, I thought he was dragged under the ice and drowned, says Torbjörn Figaro.

Then began the difficult work of getting the dog from the ice floes to land – see how it was solved in the video.
