Here the fraudster pretends to be Bianca Ingrosso

Here the fraudster pretends to be Bianca Ingrosso

It was during Wednesday that Blog Watch came across a strange video Bianca Ingrosso29. In the video, a noticeably edited Bianca sits and promotes an online game.

To the attentive eye, however, it becomes clear that the video is fake, but both the voice and the face are reminiscent of the famous influencer.

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Bianca Ingrosso on luxury holiday in Spain

News24 has previously written about Bianca Ingrosso’s summer plans, which seem to largely take place in Palma, Mallorca, where her father Emilio Ingrosso have a house.

Emilio, who, like the rest of his family, is known for his interest in food, is a restaurateur and owns, among other things, the restaurant La Perla. During the majority of the year, however, he stays in Spain together with his wife Ridge.

During July, Bianca basked under the hot sun and hung out with the family abroad.

READ MORE: Bianca Ingrosso shows the photos from Emilio’s luxury villa

Bianca Ingrosso hijacked by AI: “Fake”

However, something Bianca has not done over the summer is advertise online games, despite the fact that there are scammers who try to make it seem that way.

The AI-faked video of Bianca is spreading on the internet, which Blogbevakning republished on TikTok with the text:

“So far, AI hijackings of public figures are so poorly done that they can be dismissed outright. But think when the technology is refined! What would this fake Bianca Ingrosso sound like? Here, her face and voice have been hijacked to advertise online game. So the video doesn’t depict the real Bianca, if anyone is still wondering.”


Photo: Blog Watch/TikTokHere, a fake Bianca Ingrosso talks about the online game. Photo: Screenshot/tiktok/blog coverage
Photo: Screenshot/tiktok/blog coverage


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