Here, the face of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II is recreated

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Ramses II was pharaoh of Egypt about 3,000 years ago and his mummy is still preserved. Radiologist Sahar Saleem recreated a model of his skull by using computed tomography to X-ray his mummy.

The face was recreated in England

The data was then sent to John Moores University in Liverpool, UK. There, the face was recreated in a computer program that is otherwise used in criminal investigations to identify human remains.

– We know that 70 percent of the reconstruction’s surface has a margin of error of two percent, says Caroline Wilkinson.

The work took several months

– It really is a handsome king. He resembles many of the people I see in Cairo and in Egypt every day, says Saher Salaam when she sees the final image of Ramses’ face.

Whole The world of science – Pharaoh’s face is available on SVT Play and will be shown on SVT2, Monday 20 March at 20:00.
