Here, the crown will last the longest of the holiday

In the last month, the krona has lost around 50 öre against the euro. And it also loses against the dollar and the pound. So if you are thinking of booking a last-minute trip to a Euro country, the USA or the UK, it might be worth thinking again.

But it is not only the krone exchange rate that determines which countries it may be more advantageous to travel to right now.

– It is not enough to just look at how the krona has gone stronger or weaker against the other countries, but you also have to take into account the inflation in the countries that you look at your purchasing power when you get there, says Karl Steiner.

In addition, there are also countries whose currencies, on the contrary, have lost against the Swedish krona.

See which destinations have become cheaper or more expensive according to SEB’s analysis in the clip above.
