Here, the children solve everyday problems in a completely new Sami children’s program

The program is also available on Meänkieli – Auta minua! and is in its second season there. Now in a new venture Sami children solve everyday problems in Northern Sami in Kiruna municipality. They are four creative children who participate in the program where they have to solve challenges in everyday life.

– All children solve it in their own way, one solution is not the same as the other, says Marit

It is important to follow societal developments

The media world is in constant development, where it is important to keep up with what is current and in time, says Marit. For them, it has been important to look at what children like, how and what they watch – in the design of the programme.

– Then of course it is very important that the Sami and the Sami culture are heard and used in the program, says producer Marit Kuhmunen Blom.

The first three episodes are broadcast Saturday at 1:45 p.m. on SVT Barn and SVT Play.
