Here the children get a crisis menu – The church school in Ludvika cooks food without water

– We think it’s great fun to practice for scenarios like this. There can be floods, roads can be washed away, cyber attacks or that you can’t get food delivered, so we have to think about this in the future, says Annelie Hansson who is a cook at the Church School in Ludvika and who served lunch without water to 500 students at school.

MSB wants more people to be prepared

The preparedness week is carried out to increase awareness and resilience in the face of crises and war. The theme during the week this year is “practice”, and the Norwegian Agency for Community Safety and Preparedness (MSB) wants to get more people to acquire good self-preparedness to cope with a week without the support of society.

Crisis food, exercises and home preparations

In Dalarna, the week is celebrated in the municipalities through, among other things, preparedness-inspired food, crisis drills and information on home preparedness.

In Ludvika, emergency food was on the menu on Tuesday when lunch at the municipality’s schools, preschools and special residences was prepared without access to running water. Bottled water was available for rinsing fruit and washing hands.
