Here, the 15-year-old places a bomb bag in central Stockholm

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The trial began today against three teenage boys who are accused of having placed a bag with a live bomb in central Stockholm this summer. Camera surveillance has captured parts of the sequence of events.

One of the boys, 15 years old, is charged with breaking the Flammable and Explosive Goods Act, a felony. According to the prosecution, the boy received an explosive charge with two sticks of dynamite and transported it on the commuter train to central Stockholm. He has then placed the charge at the entrance to the Operakällaren restaurant in Kungsträdgården.

Police shot the bag

Another of the boys, also 15 years old, is charged with aiding and abetting the same case, as according to the indictment he lent his electric scooter in connection with the placement of the charge. A 16-year-old boy is charged with inciting the crime, as according to the indictment he is the one who caused the 15-year-old to place the explosive charge.

It was on Sunday, August 21, 2022 that the suspicious bag was found, at the same time as Stockholm’s culture festival was taking place in the area. Upon closer examination, an explosive charge was found in the bag, which the police shot to pieces during the evening.
