Here, Sweden enjoys the spring sun: “Makes me feel good”

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In recent days, it has been, unusually enough, sunny and warm throughout Sweden. Around ten degrees is enough for outdoor seating to be filled and ice cream to be eaten. – It warms all the way into the soul, says a beer-sipping Fredrik. The sun and heat came maybe a little late, if Marley and Molly from Stockholm, had to decide. – I think it’s very nice because it’s been very cold lately. It makes me feel very good, says Marley Nisseby. During the Easter weekend, several locations in Sweden measured their highest temperatures so far this year. It has been the hottest in Helsingborg with 16.9 degrees, according to the measured values ​​that had been received by SMHI at 8 p.m. – I usually go out to eat ice cream or play with Marley, says Molly Enqvist with an ice cream in hand. Fredrik, who took Strandvägen’s best beer spot, enjoys every second of sunshine. – It warms all the way into the soul, he says. But soon things will change – again In Götaland and Svealand there is also a risk of grass fires during the Easter weekend, according to SMHI. For those who wish for sun and high temperatures during the next week, however, they may be disappointed. – From Tuesday, a new area of ​​precipitation will come in and move up into the country. In Götaland, the precipitation mainly comes as rain, but up Svealand and Norrland the precipitation can turn into sleet, says Anna Belking, meteorologist at SMHI to TT. Watch as the Swedes enjoy the spring sun, in the player above.
