Here, Svennis suddenly appears after the worrying health report – the powerful images give everyone goosebumps

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Sven-Göran Eriksson has problems with his health.
Then he appeared in Italy – and was praised to the skies during the Rome derby.
– I loved it, says Svennis.

Sven-Göran Eriksson is one of the greatest leaders in Swedish sports history. But these days, Svennis works on a slightly smaller stage than the one he might be used to. He has had assignments in the division 1 team Karlstad Football, but in recent times worrying news has arrived.

Worrying health news

Sven-Göran Eriksson has been forced to take a break from his assignments, as he has problems with his health. Exactly what is happening to Svennis and his body, and what kind of health problems are involved, is unknown, but many became worried when his lawyer Anders Runebjer spoke out on the matter for the first time last week.

Photo: Twitter

Anders Runebjer announced, briefly and concisely, the following:

– Sven-Göran is undergoing treatment and we cannot say more at the moment. He needs to focus on his treatment and then he needs peace and quiet.

Nobody knows how long Svennis’ break in Karlstad Fotboll will be either, but many people got goosebumps when Svennis suddenly appeared in Italy on Sunday.

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Powerful pictures

On Sunday, it was time for one of Italy’s absolute biggest matches, when city rivals Lazio and Roma were pitted against each other. In connection with the match, a picture of Svennis was shown on the big screen, and he had to go out on the field and receive the fans’ cheers. Sven-Göran Eriksson was coach for Lazio from 1997 to 2001, as well as Roma from 1984-1987 – and now he deservedly received praise for his incredible deed.

Photo: Twitter

Sven-Göran Eriksson did not comment on his health this time either, but he was radiantly happy when he waved to the audience, and afterwards he did not hide how much it meant to him.

– It was absolutely wonderful. Fantastic, I really loved it. I have many great memories from here.

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