Here SD’s troll factory is brainstorming ideas – wants to spread lies about S in Arabic

After taking up employment in the party, Kalla fakta has been able to reveal how the Sweden Democrats spread misleading information and propaganda on social media without it being apparent that it is the party that is behind it. These accounts are run by Linus, Vilgot and Alexander, who work in SD’s communications department, on behalf of communications manager Joakim Wallerstein. But in a hidden recording in the department, they are heard talking about how they could go even further – by spreading misinformation about the Social Democrats in Arabic. Websites already registered – Websites should be set up in Arabic where you explain that the Social Democrats want your children to become gay, undergo surgery to change their gender and marry your cousin, says Vilgot. – We do that in the election campaign, absolutely, answers Linus. In the conversation, Vilgot says that he has already registered the domain names “” and “”, and says that you could send links and print flyers to call for “violent resistance”. – “The Social Democrats are letting us down, we must violently resist the Social Democrats”, Vilgot suggests that one could write. – In Arabic: “How to coup your local social democratic association”, suggests Linus. In an interview with Nyheterna dand dagen, Jimmie Åkesson has called what is being said corridor jargon and cafeteria talk. The party leader of the Sweden Democrats has counterattacked and calls the review an influence operation. Here you can see a longer interview with Jimmie Åkesson.
