Here, Russian bombs hit the department store in Kharkiv

The Russian bombs struck and created great devastation.
New images from inside the hardware store in Kharkiv show the deadly attack.
– I was in the toilet. When I came out a minute later, there was fire everywhere, says a female witness.

At least 14 people were killed in Saturday’s Russian bomb attack on a department store in Kharkiv in northeastern Ukraine. The prosecutor’s office has now released images from the store’s surveillance cameras showing the devastation.

– I remember sitting at my workplace, in the middle of the department store in the furniture department. After the first meeting, my colleague and I threw ourselves down on the floor. Then came the second hit and then it started to fall on us, says shop worker Dmytro.

The horror after the bombs

A female eyewitness describes the horror from inside the building that caught fire. And the fire took 16 hours to put out.

– I was looking for my mother and my sister. Dad managed to crawl over to the other side. I was on the toilet. When I came out a minute later, there was fire everywhere, she says.

Several people are still missing and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reacted immediately after the attack on Saturday. On social media, he wrote that “over 200 people may have been inside the supermarket”.

– Another manifestation of Russian madness, there’s just no other way to put it. Only such madmen as Putin are capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way, Zelenskyy said in his evening speech.
