Here, Kevin Spacey gives his first speech in five years

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Kevin Spacey has received a lifetime achievement award from Italy’s Museo Nazionale del Cinema, the national film museum in Turin. At the award ceremony, the actor gave his first speech in five years, after he was accused of sexual assault in 2017.

The American actor expressed his appreciation to the museum for having the courage, ‘Le Palle’ (stake, Swedish trans.), to invite him and give him the award.

In addition to accepting the award, Kevin Spacey gave an hour-long and sold-out master class lecture about his work in the film. Earlier in the day, he appeared at a press conference where he refused to speak to international media and only answered questions from Italian journalists.

In July of last year, Spacey was charged in Great Britain with five cases of sexual assault against three men between the years 2005 and 2013. The verdict is expected in the summer.

Watch a bit of Spacey’s speech in the clip above.
